Criminal Justice
About The Program
This program introduces students to a variety of careers related to criminal justice, corrections, homeland security, juvenile justice, rehabilitation services, victim advocacy, and law.
Careers to Consider:
Law Enforcement
State and Federal Agencies
Private Security/Investigations
Insurance Industry
Credentials, Certifications, Work-Based Learning and Leadership Opportunities
Coming soon!
Units of Study
Constitutional Rights
History of Law Enformcement
Court System
Juvenile Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedures
Interview and Interrogation
Defensive Tactics
Investigative Procedures, ID, Collection,
Strategies of Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice
Classes are currently as Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School
Your Instructor, Jim Howell
Mr. Jim Howell will continue as the Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement teacher at Narraguagus as part of the Coastal Washington County Institute of Technology.
Mr. Howell was a lifelong resident of Ohio until he moved to Maine in June 2007. While in Ohio, he received his High School Diploma from Northwestern High School in Springfield and a .B.A. in Biology from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He graduated from the 50th Basic Police School, the Law-Medicine Center, Case Western Reserve University which are also located in Cleveland. In addition to his list of talents, Mr. Howell has a long list of professional achievements.
In June of 1976, Mr. Howell began full time work with the Sheriff’s Office, dual trained for jail or patrol work, and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant December 21, 1981.
As a dual-trained Shift Supervisor Jim was transferred as needed between the Jail and the Uniform Patrol Divisions, occasionally assisting the Special Investigations Unit, Training and Education unit, Communications and Auxiliary Services. In lieu of CSI or Investigation Bureau Detectives at non-fatal crime scenes, completed evidence collection with measurements, finger-printing, specimen and evidence collection, and scene photography.
His last day of work was August 6, 1999, with an official retirement April 1, 2000. Mr. Howell then began teaching Criminal Justice at Narraguagus High School for the Coastal Washington County Institute of Technology where he has been ever since.