Welding Technology
About The Program
When it comes to job prospects in the near future, the world needs welders and metal fabricators. Students will learn joining metals with heat, using special equipment to perform different welding processes such as oxytocin's-fuel cutting and brazing, gas metal arc and shielded metal arc welding. Problem solving practical mathematics and measurement skills are incorporated into hands-on study and projects.
Careers to Consider:
Pipe Fitting
Boiler Making
Steel Work
Education and Training
Entrepreneurship / Business Owner
Credentials, Certifications, Work-Based Learning and Leadership Opportunities
Coming soon!
Units of Study
Industry Safety, Rules and Regulations
Interpret and Design Mechanical Drawings
Welding and Allied Joining Processes
Structural Welding Applications
Manual Machining
Weld Inspection and Quality Control
Welding Symbols
Introduction to CADD and CNC Systems
Project Planning and Job Costing
Introduction to Fabrication
Classes are held at the CTE Center in Columbia